Personality traits are important for many life outcomes and predict outcomes in relationships and well-being, annual income and educational attainment.
We assess thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in individuals expressed in five broad trait factors: : (1) Openness, (2) Conscientiousness, (3) Extraversion, (4) Agreeableness, and (5) Neuroticism.
Gain a comprehensive insight into character traits that can be a blessing and a curse:
Adversity and trauma are intense experiences that can have lasting impacts on an individual's mental and emotional state. Screening for these experiences is pivotal in understanding, assessing, and providing appropriate interventions.
Sleep isn't just a physical necessity; it has deep-rooted connections to our psychological well-being. From dreaming to the processing of emotions, the world of sleep is intertwined with our mental health and cognitive functions.
Stress, often dubbed the "silent killer," is an inherent part of human life. While some stress can propel us towards growth and improvement, chronic stress can have profound psychological implications. Unraveling the intricate relationship between stress and our mental state helps us navigate and manage life's challenges more effectively.
1. Factors leading to food intake
2. Factors leading to weight increase
3. Impact of weight gain
4. Disordered eating
5. Self esteem and body image
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